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Health & Wellness

December 6, 2019

How to relieve neck pain and neck stiffness?

Need to relieve your neck pain or neck stiffness?  If you wake up with a stiff neck or have neck pain after a few hours on your computer, you are not alone. This is called ‘mechanical neck pain’, and it’s very common.  Don’t worry, it’s not dangerous, and this type […]
November 20, 2019

Low back pain after lifting or changing tires?

How to relieve and treat back pain that persists after lifting or changing tires? If you have recently changed your car tires or lifted a heavy object and felt pain or aching during the activity or later in the evening or the next day, you are not alone. This type […]
March 10, 2019

Tips for shovelling snow without hurting your back

After big snowstorms like this one, we get a lot of people who come in the clinic saying “I  had to shovel for 2 hours last week and my back is killing me”. That’s a typically Canadian problem if I’ve ever heard one. What if I told you it didn’t […]
February 7, 2019

What factors should we consider when choosing our next physical activity?

The new year is already well on its way and our well-intentioned resolutions may have already been abandoned or not yet put into place. February is here – it’s time to revisit one’s objectives and start moving! But where should we begin? Clients often ask us what kind of activities […]