After big snowstorms like this one, we get a lot of people who come in the clinic saying “I had to shovel for 2 hours last week and my back is killing me”. That’s a typically Canadian problem if I’ve ever heard one. What if I told you it didn’t have to be?
Here are 6 tips to help keep your back pain-free while shoveling.
- Keep your back straight and bend from the hips and knees
- Avoid big twisting motions
- Use a shovel with a curved handle, these don’t require you to bend as far down as you would with a straight shovel
- Pace yourself. Do you really need to clear the whole driveway in one go? Shovel for 30 mins, take a 15 min break, and start again
- Stretch your back backwards! If you’re going to spend 2 hours repeatedly bending over and lifting loads, you should get your back to stretch in the opposite direction once in a while! Think about it, your spine is built to bend both ways, not only forward! See our video
- Most importantly: If you follow these guidelines and you still get pain, get some help. A lot of people accept to live with pain simply because they’re not aware that physiotherapy can offer tools to treat yourself and get effective and lasting relief. Don’t wait, book an appoitment today.
Thanks for reading! Remember, when life gives you snow, build a snowman! Don’t forget to share!
Youri Laplante-El Haïli, pht